Sunday, 17 May 2009

i saw an angel cry

this has been sitting at the back burner for quite sometime now as i cannot moved on further than the first line. it was inspired by an anesthetist, a zimbabwean, who after coming back from his native land has told us the realities of war that savaged his beloved is only now, after creating an account on this site that i find a spark of inspiration to see it to the end.

i saw an angel cry
amidst a land savage by war
dreams are lost and hopes gone
darkness prevail, light never come

where fields were erst a golden feast
now turn to place where battle rage
what was once green now blood spills
the cries of innocents gnaws in pain

at one time was called a brother
today fiercely hunted by the other
existence now weighs upon the shoulder
on a senseless killing of one another

once the children roams the earth
they fill the air with robust zest
not today i'm afraid to tell
most of them lies in eternal rest

then, the nights were firld with lullabies
and morning brings a joyful time
now, all you see are ghostly towns
gnashing teeth and totured cries

the golden sun has lost its rays
the majestic moon cries out in vain
when is this madness gonna end
until then...i'll weep with him

by eng